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Wisers AIDA Model Facilitates Business Decision-making in Digital Marketing Era
Nowadays, it is pivotal for enterprises to realize digital marketing transformation by finding out valuable commercial information from massive data and converting them into quantifiable ones. Many consumers’ behaviours are not decided by digital data, which have transformed their decision-making process. In view of this, WisersAnalytics is designed by integrating the traditional marketing theory with the company’s own artificial intelligence (AI) natural language semantic analysis technology to form the AIDA model. With a series of indicators such as brand recognition, popularity, reputation and purchasing behaviour, consumers’ purchase path could be easily quantifiable for enterprises.
2019-02-21 11:20:30 -
Data and Media Hack 2019 Held Successfully in HKBU with the Help of Wisers AI Technology
The Department of Journalism and the Department of Computer Science of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) co-organised the Data and Media Hack 2019 (DMH 2019) in HKBU from 25 to 27 January 2019. About 100 students from 7 universities in Hong Kong took part in the competition that aimed to set the stage for innovation and exchanges between media and computer spheres, and encourage students to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and media data to address social or commercial issues that matter to our future. During the intensive 48-hour competition, 14 contesting teams had to choose from one of the three topics, including (i) Health and Ageing Issues; (ii) Media, Culture, and Entertainment; and (iii) Leisure, Retail and Tourism, to initiate conceptual modelling, feasibility study, data analysis, programming, and presentation.
2019-02-12 11:20:30 -
当前,我国正处在加快汽车战略性新兴产业发展的关键时期,随着新兴技术不断融入到汽车工业领域,用户的个性化需求愈发强烈,愈发多样化,汽车已不再是传统产品的单一化市场,而向多元化方向发展。未来伴随人们购买与使用汽车的目的的变化,也将导致车企的数字化转型。1月10日-11日,第五届中国汽车产业信息化技术创新峰会在上海举行,来自国内外的政府机构、汽车集团、整车企业、零部件企业的总经理、首席信息官、首席数字官、研发总监、技术总监、市场总监、业务规划总监等齐聚一堂。共同探讨汽车信息化发展现状与未来趋势,交流汽车数字化时代大数据、云计算、网络安全、数字化转型等先进技术,促进汽车行业的合作与交流,挖掘市场最佳解决方案与合作伙伴。慧科讯业总经理AngelYoung受主办方邀请,作为嘉宾参与会议,并进行了题为《车企如何利用大数据助力数字化营销》的演讲。演讲主要阐述了慧科如何洞悉数字化营销发展趋势,以大数据赋能,帮助车企把握数字化转型带来的营销机会。在演讲中,AngelYoung 对大家关心的汽车市场所面临的营销困境进行了深入分析并提出了行之有效的解决办法。受经济形势、宏观政策等因素的影响,2018年汽车销量...
2019-01-16 11:20:30 -
Five Years After Implementation of Provisions on the Liability for the Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automotive Products, WisersAnalytics Makes In-depth Analysis into Market Changes
WisersAnalytics and China Consumer Journal jointly released a report on how the 5-year implementation of the Provision on the Liability for the Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automotive Products (the “Provision”) has affected consumers’ behaviors. Through collecting via backtracking data, the study aimed to understand the effectiveness and feedback of the Provisions, in a bid to shed light on related issues and development trends. After combing through massive data, the report made analysis and interpretation through thus gaining widespread recognition from the industry as well as capturing the attention of the majority of automobile consumers.
2019-01-10 11:20:16