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Media Intelligence
Media Intelligence
Explore in-depth value behind data, empowering public relations practitioners
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Product Introduction
Achieve public sentiment monitoring and insight analysis,  coupling with the classic role of public relations and catering to the basic needs of corporations; in-depth value behind data can be explored, with the provision of insight on media and sales, bringing corporations a scientific basis in decision-making, empowering public relations practitioners in full.
Business Values
  • Public Sentiment Monitoring Analysis

    Public Sentiment Monitoring Analysis

    Monitor and analyse public sentiment situation; immediately master and track negative public sentiment

  • Media Strategy Support

    Media Strategy Support

    Provide users with support on customised media strategy through media research and consultancy service

  • Analysis on Communication Performance Monitoring

    Analysis on Communication Performance Monitoring

    Completely monitor and summarise communication performance including press release and other communication categories

  • Social Media Insight

    Social Media Insight

    Insight on social media communication trend and KOL sales data, obtaining the real opinion from social media

Core Functions
  • Public Sentiment Monitoring Service

    Professional building of public sentiment monitoring structure, with professional public sentiment data clearance, research and determination;

    Provide H5 public sentiment report, omni-media public sentiment monitoring and communication analytical report, and more;

  • Negative Pre-alert Service

    Research and determination by experts with precise pre-alert results, mastering negative public sentiment most promptly when facing sudden and substantial negative incident, with 7*24 crisis tracking activated immediately;

    Provide negative pre-alert and crisis tracking, negative incident communication analytical report, and more;

  • Communication Analytical Report

    Analyse one's reputation performance and proactive communication impact through analysing multi-dimensional public relations communication index, with continuous optimisation on communication strategy;

    Provide communication analytical reports covering products of oneself and competitors, activity communication, social campaign, with immediate tracking and analysis on brand and activity as well as press release monitoring service;

  • Media Research Consultancy

    Support customers on customised media strategy through media research consultancy report and customised consultancy services;

    Provide customers with reports on media pattern and trend research as well as audience portrait, consultancy on media exposure habit and media investment selection, omni-media communication impact evaluation (value of soft news/audience exposure), and media housekeeping service;

  • Public Relations Consultancy Recommendation

    Short term: Full scanning of macro-environment, with diagnosis on micro-environment brand reputation risks, providing recommendations on special project handling;

    Long term: Comprehensive training programme on brand reputation management, covering systematic crisis public relations, sustainable brand building, and more;

    Provide public relations pre-alert consultancy services, crisis contingency solutions, public relations research and determination (classification analysis), crisis public relations training, brand communication training, industrial policy in-depth understanding, among others;

Core Advantages of Products
  • Negative Research, Determination and Tracking

    Negative Research, Determination and Tracking

    A team of close to 100 for negative response, with service experience covering more than 20 vertical industries, achieving dual closed-loop models on crisis research, determination and tracking

  • Communication Analysis

    Communication Analysis

    Based on omni-media abundant data and multiple types of analytical models, providing users with in-depth exploration and insight analysis under different scenarios, covering public sentiment, communication, negative incident, and more

  • Media Research Consultancy

    Media Research Consultancy

    Professional team on media research, well-versed in domestic media environment with years of experience in serving customers, coupled with well-established methodology on scientific omni-media evaluation, providing customers with objective and customisable media consultancy services

  • Public Relations Consultancy

    Public Relations Consultancy

    With a team of experts on industry crisis public relations strategy, consultants for crisis emergency response, providing users with life-cycle closed-loop services on brand consultancy

Applicable Scenarios
  • Public Sentiment Monitoring

    Public Sentiment Monitoring

    • Daily public sentiment monitoring on oneself

    • Daily public sentiment monitoring on competitor's products

    • Daily public sentiment monitoring on the industry

  • Negative Alert & Tracking

    Negative Alert & Tracking

    • Negative information pre-alert

    • Negative information continuous tracking

  • Communication Analysis

    Communication Analysis

    • Analysis on news communication effectiveness

    • Analysis on special project communication

    • Analysis on phase communication

  • Media Research

    Media Research

    • Insight on media pattern and trend

    • Media collaboration strategy

    • Evaluation on media communication effectiveness