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Brand Management
Brand Management
Provide customers with a scientific and stable base for their brand reputation management
Background and Challenges
Under the quick development of new media, the base for consumers to select products or services has been turned upside down. Consumers shifted their focus from traditional media to omni-media, particularly social media. Corporations are facing different challenges under the trend of media convergence.
Business ChallengesBackground and Challenges
  • How should social media be utilised to manage brand reputation?
  • How should omni-media performance be the brand be evaluated?
  • How should the brand's communication strength on digital media be analysed?
  • How should in-depth insight into consumers' brand awareness be gained?
Background and Challenges
Solution Advantages
Making use of world-leading Chinese NLP technology, rich Chinese data asset base as well as professional technical models built by industry expert team, Wisers Brand Reputation Management Solutions provide customers with a scientific and stable base for their brand reputation management, helping them achieve sales and marketing value maximisation.

Wisers Rich Chinese Data Asset Base

740,000+ Raw information sources

100+ Billion historical data

100+ Million real-time data delivery

Wisers Life-cycle Big Data Smart Governance System

Establish brand reputation system

Strengthen brand awareness scope

Optimise brand audience impact

Enhance brand favouritism level

Nurture the trust for the brand

World-leading data governance capability

Knowledge maps covering 14 major industries

In-depth data business insight

In-depth analyst resources on vertical industries

Brand Reputation Management Solutions

 Make use of brand reputation and knowledge map to assist in the structuring of abundant media data

Establish reputation system index to gain insight into key factors affecting brand reputation
Solution Advantages
  • Effective Strategy RecommendationsEffective Strategy Recommendations
    Customised design coupled with corporate reputation management evaluation system, helping customers gain insight into the brand's performance on different media platforms, offering more effective media and content strategies for the brand.
  • Expand Media Engagement ImpactExpand Media Engagement Impact
    Explore brand reputation advantages with a brand reputation management evaluation system, enabling formulation of optimised strategies for the brand and enhancing brand influence.
  • Improve Brand Reputation and Boosting SalesImprove Brand Reputation and Boosting Sales
    Gain insight into consumers' original discussions about the brand and product, with brand reputation being taken to big data territory, building an evaluation model for consumers' value recognition, enhancing the sales and marketing direction for the brand.
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