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2 Important Notes on KOL marketing (To Avoid Public Relations Disasters)
Release Time:2020-10-14 12:09:24

Social media is pervasive, and the comments made by KOLs (key opinion leaders) on social media platforms have shown to have a considerable influence on people’s opinions and choices. This is an enormous contributing reason why KOL marketing has become popular and effective in recent years.

But with great power comes great responsibility, and it is increasingly common to see KOL’s fall from their platforms faster than they ascended, often due to controversies.

Because of this, brands working with KOL’s need to be extra cautious as such negative sentiment can cause a public relations disaster and irreparable brand damage. To control this, brand marketing and public relations staff are often working tirelessly to calm the storm. Using big data to avoid these situations entirely can be an extremely effective solution to this problem.

2 points to consider with KOL marketing:

#1 - Choosing the right KOL

When choosing the right KOL for your brand, you need to consider whether their image and positioning are related to your product/brand, and whether the age group, gender and regionality of their fans are in line with your target market. Marketing and public relations staff often rely on Google, other search engines or the KOL’s social media page to evaluate their suitability. However, these methods are not entirely representative, making them subjective and therefore unreliable.

#2 - Real-time tracking and analysis of netizens’ reactions to brand marketing activities

How netizens react to your brand marketing activities is equally important. The naked eye alone cannot capture and distil public opinion to accurately predict public relations crisis before they happen every time. By the time they realize it, the situation may have already turned into a public relations disaster.

Avoiding Public Relations Disasters with WisersOne Big Data AI Analysis

WisersOne is a big data AI analysis tool and a one-stop platform designed for public relations and marketing communications. WisersOne relies on advanced Chinese semantic AI technology, the knowledge graphs covering dozens of industries, and over 20 years’ worth of accumulated media data. With 96 million new articles added each day, the total number now sits at nearly 100 billion articles. WisersOne can assist marketing and public relations personnel to track the performance of KOLs, effectively assist in the evaluation and selection of suitable KOLs, track in real-time the reaction of netizens to brand marketing activities and predict crises well in advance.

Tracking account performance and getting in-depth insights into KOL performance

Marketing and public relations staff can effectively use the system to monitor a KOL’s performance, posts, replies and interactions like positive and negative ratings and keyword usage, gender distribution and location. It can also be used to gain a more in-depth understanding of whether the KOL is perfectly suited for endorsing the brand, as well as checking their effectiveness after the end of the marketing campaign.

Analysing marketing campaigns with the latest and most powerful real-time data

Social media discussions and public opinion on marketing activities can be continuously monitored. By looking at the latest, most influential, or most engaged posts as well as the sentiment distribution of the activity, brands can more easily understand the effectiveness of certain decisions. With this knowledge, they can then make adjustments to fit the situation and identify public relations crises before they happen, making corresponding countermeasures.

Get a free consultation

Today, social media has made spreading information faster and easier. Using big data tools to avoid public relations disasters is vital to stay ahead of the curve. If you want to try WisersOne, a one-stop solution platform, please call +852 2948 3600 or email to get in touch with us for a free consultation.